iHeartRadio Commute

I was driving to work today, as I do every Monday through Friday, but something was different today. I can only assume that it was due to the fact that the biopic of Freddie Mercury and his band – the one named after me – was coming to the USA today.

In any case, that little kid from the Partridge Family TV show, Danny, is a DJ in Seattle. He has a morning show with a crew consisting of Sarah, Paul, and some other folks. Today, they took a break from their regularly-scheduled talk and occasional music for a special announcement. This announcement wasn’t about anything that they were doing, which they often promote, but rather what their parent station was doing.

At 9:00 this morning, iHeartRadio did something special in honor of the Queen Biopic. They played Bohemian Rhapsody at all of their many radio stations. Every. Single. One.

So naturally, I cranked it, starting singing along at the top of my lungs, and put on my best Wayne and Garth face.

Driving while impersonating these chaps up above isn’t the easiest thing to do. But I was safe. I promise.

As I was driving along, rocking out to the genuinely dulcet tones of the Second Greatest Rock Song Ever, I couldn’t help but wonder who else was getting in on the action. I kept peering into the cars I passed to see if they were getting their O(pera) faces on or their WnG heads shaking. Sadly, I didn’t see anyone else getting into it. Being alone in my enjoyment despite the fact that it was being pumped all across the country did take a little wind out of my sail.

But who cares? This was a record in the making.

After playing the tune, Danny Bonaduce came back to his mike to announce that during the song, he made a lap around to the other eight iHeartRadio studios on his floor and commented on how everyone on the floor was all playing it. Rap stations, country stations, bluegrass stations. Every single station in iHeartRadio’s repertoire all paid respect to the royal family of rock.

So cool.

I personally can’t wait to see this movie. I’ll admit to having not been a terribly big fan of the band. That is until my good friend Lloyd sat me down in front of Queen’s LiveAid show from 1985. The man-crush was strong. Damn that Freddie Mercury knew how to work a crowd.

Thanks to iHeartRadio for doing such a cool thing to honor this amazingly legendary band. Thanks also to the folks who decided to make a movie about them.

The Trailer

The Music Video

Random thought: for the longest time, I thought “biopic” was pronounced “Bi-Opic” and only recently learned that it was actually pronounced “Bio-Pic.” Weird.


The Queen has spoken. (and by that, I mean me, not the band.)

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